Green veggies in a chippy green pot. My happy place. One of many. :) READ MORE
Sacred Everyday. We rescued a 4 week old baby kitty. Oh man, is he the cutest thing. And yes, we had to bottle feed him for a few weeks because he was too little to eat kibble. I was not complaining. His favorite READ MORE
Everyday Life. She wanted a new look. But now she looks 14. The bonus is that she has 13 beautiful, undefiled inches of hair to donate. READ MORE
Sacred Everyday.
Homemade Restaurant Style Salsa This is my new favorite thing. Note: I find multiple favorite things throughout each of my days, so, you know, there's that. Take your favorite chunky jarred salsa. We like Pace Medium around READ MORE
Sacred Everyday.
We celebrated 16 years of marriage with chips and salsa, and a cold Coke. Yes, Lord. Also.. public displays of affection that embarrass our teens? The best. We then headed off to Vegas for the Celine Dion show. I don't even have READ MORE