Paleo Friendly Turkey Sausage.
Well.. our life has not been our own for the past couple of months, schedule wise, and it took me a good couple of weeks to recuperate from the busy holiday season. As in, the week after Christmas, I was in bed nearly every day. My body was just donzo. That week of recovery gave me great motivation to clean up our diet, get more rest, say no to some things. I don’t do resolutions, but I do love me a fresh start. January is perfect for that. ๐
With that said, we, here at the Tolson House, are trying to get rid of all the processed crud, load up on good proteins, good fats, and good veggies. My family loooves sausage, but to buy the quality I love, with the quantity they consume, it just doesn’t happen very often.
Until.. I was perusing my local Smart and Final (my old love that has become new again) for some deals, and found 3 lbs. of lean ground turkey for $6. Umm.. Holla for 6 Dolla’s!! My hubs isn’t a fan of turkey burgers, so I usually save the ground turkey for the kids and I. But I’m happy to say, this sausage passed the husband test. More than once. ๐
I took a Saturday morning to make a double batch, and not only did we have a lovely Saturday breakfast, I had a huge container full of little sausage patties to warm up for a quick breakfast, or pop into a lunch bag for some good brain food for the kiddos. This will definitely be in my rotation for a while.
It is so easy. Your welcome. ๐
Paleo Friendly Turkey Sausage Patties
You will need:
3 lbs. of lean ground turkey (chicken or pork would be lovely too)
2 heaping Tablespoons of Ground Fennel (get the ground version, as I have found little ones don’t like the seeds in sausage.. nor do husbands, for that matter..)
1 Tablespoon ground garlic
1 Tablespoon ground onion
1 Tablespoon great quality sea salt (I use pink Himilayan)
A couple of cracks of fresh ground pepper (optional, not pictured)
A dash of paprika (optional, not pictured)
Here’s the really hard part. Dump everything into a bowl. Mix really well with your hands.
Form into patties (note the size.. keep them small so they cook quickly). Grill or pan sautรฉ ย on medium for 2-3 minutes a side. Done.
Seriously.. it took me 30 minutes or so to make 1 batch, and I finished the 2nd batch a few hours later to store away for the week. These can even be frozen in little freezer safe baggies and popped into the toaster oven in the mornings. Don’t use your microwave!! And don’t even get me started as to why you shouldn’t use that microwave of yours… ๐
Happy Sausage Patty Making, y’all!!
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