New Makeup Look is Live – Wonderful Wednesdays
I tried to pull off a fun, wacky scarecrow look this morning on Facebook Live using black and orange LipSense. Why? Because I am a goober, and I like my reactions and opinions to be real and honest and in front of a live audience. I have a final shot posted on my Instagram, and I think with a little more fine tuning, I would absolutely wear it for Halloween. So thus, the tried part. It isn’t exactly the same as the darling makeup guru I was inspired by. But is real, from a real woman, with a real fondness for makeup. So there’s that. 😉
If there’s a product I like, I’m going to tell you about it.
If there’s a product I don’t like, I’m going to tell you about it.
I am not going to sell my soul to the next latest greatest company just to make a buck. But I am going to work hard for the things I believe in, and I will tell you about them if I think they are fantastic!! Currently the things that I think are fantastic include… my family, my church, my SeneGence business and team of wonderful women, and FALL.
Anyway.. visit here to see my LIVE easy scarecrow look for Halloween. Or don’t. It is a bit of a train wreck, so I totally understand if it’s a hard pass. 😉