Let me paint you a picture.
7th grade. Chubby girl. First chair flute player. Thick straight frizzy hair with a wall of bangs that I made my mom perm every 6 weeks thankyouverymuch. I had such a poof on the top of my head.. girl, I was a mess. Needless to say, I was a walking target for meanies.
However, I was put into Weight Watchers at age 11, (oh, trust me.. I’m in therapy for that!) grew a few inches and over one summer became the skinny popular 8th grader. My bangs had grown out a bit, and I replaced flute with drama club. I even was class speaker at graduation.
Yep.. I peaked in the 8th grade. True story.
Sad sad sad true story.
High school was even sadder than 7th grade. My weight came back on with a venegance and I returned to the social suicide that was “Organized School Music Programs” only this time it was show choir. I mean, I could not get any hotter my people.
Debbie Downer moment, if I may.. I believe this is one of the moments when I realized that, in this twisted culture of ours, if skinny=good, then chubby=bad. Math was not my forte, but that was one simple equation I could figure out. Oh, how I desperately wish I could go back to that sweet little 15 year old and tell her a few things.
Why the outpouring of emotions tonight on my unsuspecting blog?? Well, for one, I am in the full throes of pms. Yay! TMI?? Secondly, my sweet squishy 8 year old daughter is dealing with a mean girl of her own. And boy, I have never wanted to pick a fight with a mean girl more than I do right now, even if she is only 9.
The short of it.. this little girl has been harassing my little girl for almost 2 years, off and on. We have constantly tried to encourage our bubba to stand up for herself in hopes we can teach her some life lessons about how life is hard, Love is the answer.. blah blah blah.. and up until this point, it was mostly playground hierarchy.
However, when said mean girl gets an entire table of 2nd graders to make fun of my daughter over her lunch contents? And my daughter comes home telling me an entire table accused her of passing gas because she was eating a smelley hard boiled egg?? And she doesn’t want to eat eggs ever again?? And mean girl told people at the table to smell my daughter’s booty?? Umm.. Mamma Bear (and Papa Bear for that matter) are. on. it. On it!
I hate…HATE…that my lovebug has to suffer this inevitable? girlhood tragedy this young.
I implore you to tell your sweet things they are precious and loved and safe.
And that the God of the universe finds them beautiful and captivating.
And He is simply thrilled over them, and has been since the day He created them.
I am absolutely positive of this fact.. if every girl knew these things without a doubt, our world would change radically. I know my world would have been vastly different had I understood that a little earlier.
Please.. let’s do our part to stop the meaness.