You know those days where you just don’t have the stamina to cook dinner?? Which is mostly every day for me… haha. Well, tonight was one of them. My delighful daughter woke up at 1am with a bad headache and decided not to go back to sleep until about 5am.
Guess who woke up with a sleep deprived migraine??
That’s right.. ME! 🙂
I think the weather must have had something to do with both of us getting ill, but all is well now, so I am going to stop complaining about it!!
If you know us, you will know that we have been gluten free for about a year and a half. It has been a challenge to find easy suppers that this tired/migrained/fibro-flared up momma can make. I praise the Good Lord for Trader Joes and that gf living has become quite mainstream. It makes it a bit easier. 🙂
So, imagine my delight at finding a gluten free, preservative free, nitrate free roast beef hash that isn’t too expensive! The current price is $2.49 a package and I love that! I mean, I might have danced in the Trader Joe’s aisle a bit over this one. It may even have been to a classic Beach Boys song, but one cannot be certain.
And I may have embarassed my children in the process, but really, isn’t that my job as a mom??
So, when the migraine/fibro flare knocks at my door, and my sweet hubby is working (read.. I can’t call him to go and get In N Out..) I love having a 5 minute, healthier than fast food meal at the ready.
Honestly, I flash fried the organic eggs, wilted the organic spinach and warmed up the hash, and it was on.
And my sweet son inhaled it and proclaimed me the best cook ever… Poor unaware lovie.. 🙂
Here’s a link to the pic. Happy Eating!!