We don't have a tree yet. We have to move, so throwing up a bunch of Christmas decor just seems unnecessary this year. I love the holidays with the sparkles and twinkle lights and glitter and the smell of a fresh pine tree in my home. So you can imagine my sad face over not READ MORE
Sacred Everyday.
He turned 16 on a Wednesday. I sang Happy Birthday, as I always do, at the time of his birth. 7:14am. He wasn't awake. Parenting is so weird hard crazy awesome hard. You are so excited for your child to be growing and changing and becoming themselves, but the other half of READ MORE
Seasons, and Death, and Winter.
Seasons and death, and winter. Guess what? Death sucks. I know that this is nothing new for those of you that have lost someone. I haven't blogged about my Dad's passing because I just haven't been ready. He went to be with Jesus on May 19th. When you lose someone READ MORE
Something Sarah Loves.. Shauna Niequist’s writings..
Something Sarah Loves.. Shauna Niequist's writings.. Before I tell you about one of my favorite authors, I need to tell you about how I "met" her. Enter THE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT. It's the pinnacle of all things leadership, founded by Bill Hybels of Willow Creek fame. I first READ MORE
Confessions of a Mad Fat Pastor’s Wife.. Part 5.
I have hesitated writing this excerpt. I don't know why. The free spirit in me doesn't like structure and rules and expectation, so I tend to balk at the mere mention of such a thing. As in, all the messages asking me to finish the darn story. I read them. I heard them. And READ MORE
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