1. Amber Spice Lipsense is THE perfect color for fall. Not too orange, or brown.. a great neutral that goes well with any outfit! 2. Starbucks secret menus are my favorite. Now.. this is NOT sugar free, and NOT low carb.. but if you ask for a pump of pumpkin sauce in your READ MORE
Sugar Free Starbucks Pink Drink Copycat
Sugar Free Starbucks Pink Drink Copycat aka my favorite new Keto Mocktail. This really is so simple. But, remember, I post here to I can recall the things I love. Just in case I forget. And because I'm 41.. I do forget things. The little snippet video I put together really READ MORE
Starbucks Green Tea recipe..
Starbucks Green Tea Recipe. I have long enjoyed a refreshing tall glass of icy green tea from Starbucks. I do not enjoy their tea full strength, so I always ask for a diluted version. Tall in a Trenta, unsweetened, in case you wanted to know. Even with the cost benefits of READ MORE
Sacred Everyday.
http://instagram.com/p/fq390WTZIm/ Freshly painted nails, and an iced tea after 3 mini sessions = my happy place. READ MORE
San Diego Food Photography – Primal (Peppermint) Hot Cocoa
It doesn't rain here in San Diego very often. I wish it would rain more. But, yesterday, we had the delight of a rainy day. Shiny pavement, slick with rain. Beautiful to look at, hard to drive on. I saw more than a few fish tailed trucks that took off too fast. It READ MORE